Additives for Plastic, Petrochemical, Detergent

Baoxu Chemical Introduction

Baoxu Chemical has been in polymer additives for 15 years, originally in China. Equivalent to BASF etc.
Drop a message on our web, WhatsApp or mail us, and reply in 12 hours.
  • Product: AO, UV, OBAs, FRs, Lubricant, Filler, etc.
  • Industries we Serve: Petrochemical, Plastic & Rubber, Detergent. Coating
  • Market: China Domestic & Overseas
  • Website: All info (Products & Blog), Online Sales
  • Team: Chemical Major


There are hundreds of players in the plastic additives industry, including manufacturers and traders, we define ourselves as a comprehension solution supplier, to be a REAL solution supplier, we are dedicated to providing customers with

  1. Cost-effective formulas
  2. Share up-to-date market & technical information
  3. Ensure on-time delivery
  4. Ensure batch-to-batch quality Constance

We simplify plastic compounding!

With over a decade of technical accumulation, and wide range of customer bases, plus our lab‘s work. We understand and update our knowledge regarding formulas regularly. Competition of plastic compounding gets tense every year, which requires the whole supply chain short and cost-effective.  We, as formula additives plus plastic resins, take the major cost of plastic products.  Brands plastic additives like BASF, and Clariant market share is getting less in the Chinese market, and so does the overseas market. China, as one of the major original of chemicals, plays an important role in the global market.


Brand Agent

Established in 2008, Baoxu Chemical has been the agents of the following brands

  1. Baoxu Chemiel is Xrite‘s authorized China agent, the world-leading Spectrophotometer supplier.
  2. Baoxu Chemiel is Si Group (previously addivant) China agent since 2016, the world-leading antioxidant and additives manufacturer.
  3. Baoxu Chemiel is Eckart Effective pigment agent, the world-leading metallic effect and pearlescent pigments manufacturer.
  4. Baoxu Chemiel is Nouryon(previously AkzoNobel) peroxide agent, the world-leading manufacturer of peroxide.

Our Services

Quick response is always required in baoxu chemical. We offer

  • Mail reply in 12 hours.
  • Online chat on our website
  • Social connection to WeChat, Whatsapp

so that when customers can find us when needed. But don’t worry we do not spam marketing, only share up-to-date real market information plus big trade shows information. Our personal information will be safe with us.


No Cheating

No need to emphasize this basic principle, when there is fraud in the product or transfer process. Baoxu has encountered zero complaints regarding quality so far. Thanks to our SQE job and internal quality management, most importantly,   We shall emphasize quality above all.


Find Baoxu Chemical


  • China Domestic Website
  • 1688 Platform:
  • Baidu Platform:
  • Internal Website:
  • Wechat official account: 宝旭化工
  • Wechat video account 宝旭化工胡长发
  • TikTok China Douyin 东莞市宝旭化工科技有限公司


Baoxu attended shows domestic and overboard, please check show we attended and book a visit with our sales.



Baoxu Chemical Sales Team
Bruce- baoxu chemical

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1. We’ll contact you with the requested info within 12h (workdays).

2. Your personal data is safe with us. It will never be disclosed to any third parties or sold.