Optical Brighteners

Optical brightener for detergent

Optical Brighteners

Introduction of optical brightener in detergent

Optical brightener brightening colors or mask yellowing optically yield a brighter, fresher appearance.Its synonym name OBA which is also known as fluorescent whitening agent(FWA) or fluorescent brightening agent(FBA).  Optical brighteners are colorless to weakly colored organic compounds. When present on a substrate, optical brighteners absorb primarily invisible ultraviolet light in the 300-400 nanometer (nm) range and re-emit in the visible violet-to-blue fluorescent light to yield a brighter, fresher appearance. They are designed to brighten colors or mask yellowing in plastics, lacquers, paints, inks, detergents and paper. Baoxu chemical offers optical brightener agents in detergent as Table 1 below, Always pure powder, no reduction, no filler.

Table 1 Optical brightener agent for detergent

Category Item name CAS number
optical brightener

for detergent

BX OBA CBS-X 27344-41-8
BX OBA DMA-X 16090-02-1
BX OBA DMS-X 16090-02-1


A typical optical brightener for detergent is CBS-X which is also known as fluorescent brightener 351.  It’s a liquid whitening agent for the detergent, soap, and sashing powder industry, CAS No. 27344-41-8 and to Replace BASF CIBA Tinopal CBS-X.

Typical optical brightener for detergent is DMS-X which is also known as fluorescent brightener 71, also known as DMA-X to replace BASF CIBA Tinopal DMA and Tinopal AMS


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